A vital component of any business, packaging protects your products but it does more than just that, it gives customers a first impression of the brand. It’s what makes the customer pick your product over its competitors in a grocery store aisle; it’s also the first direct physical connection point to a customer. At La Maison De Papier, we create packaging that works as a marketing tool for you, highlighting the brand’s personality and leaving the customer with a memorable experience. Opening the box or glossy paper bag, unwrapping the branded butter paper delicately held together with a monogramed, gold foil sticker, right up to the first glimpse of the product, our packaging sets the tone for the customer experience. While we cover all aspects of packaging, we also help you choose the ones that work best for you and your brand. The biggest element is the main packaging box or paper carry bag, which lends itself as a great creative canvas. We also specialize in paper pouches that are great for product samplers and candy giveaways for birthday parties! Custom printed butter paper in a unique colour adds an air of luxury and panache to the packaging, while smaller, versatile elements like stickers complete the visual experience.